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10 Things That Make First Rains Most Awesome Time

Childhood memories during rains

The rainy season is one of the most favoured seasons by people. The weather goes cool and people finally get relief from harsh summers. Rainfall also brings a boom in the agricultural sector. Hence first rain is very important for the crops. This weather is favoured by a lot of people as it creates a lovable and cold vibe. Also, there are many benefits of rain too.

Rainwater is pure water because the water that falls from the sky doesn’t contain any minerals or components. It doesn’t come in contact with soil or any ground stones. That is the reason why in some places where water is scarce, people harvest rainwater even for drinking purposes.

What’s the 1st thing that comes to your mind when you see 1st rain?? For me, few memories of the First rain are so wonderful that they never skip my mind, no matter where I am. Here are some 10 things which you explore in the first rain.

1. Fragnance & Sound


What 1st comes to my mind, is the smell and sound of raindrops. When they touch the ground, the fragrance of the earth released is so good which can’t be explained in words. What we say, Petrichor. That amazing smell of mud, when it rains, steals my heart.

We often get attracted to good smells and music, on the other hand, they always help in calming us down. And what if we get both of these amazing factors from nature. Rain brings a natural lovely fragrance of wet mud around us. The sound of raindrops falling on the ground brings a cheerful vibe. What makes rain smell so good?

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Back in 1964, a pair of Australian scientists (Isabel Joy Bear and R. G. Thomas) began the scientific study of rain’s aroma in earnest with an article in Nature titled “Nature of Argillaceous Odor.” In it, they coined the term ‘petrichor‘ to help explain the phenomenon, combining a pair of Greek roots: petra (stone) and ichor (the blood of gods in ancient myth). In the study and research, they found that one of the reasons behind this extremely beautiful fragrance is oils that plants secrete during moist weather.

Not only this, but the sound of rain may help in calming down your anxiety. Who knew that these beautiful minute drops of water can play a role in calming your mental health. A lot of people state that the sound and fragrance of rain calms down their anxiety. It creates a soothing environment that philosophically gives a sense of hope and control to any person out there. Hence, people with anxiety issues just admire the rainy season so much.

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2. Sky is hugging you

Well, the sky after and during rain feels so beautiful and expanded that it feels like it’s hugging you. It creates a mixture of white, blue, and grey colours that provides so much smoothness and calmness to the eyes. Looking at the sky during rain is as lovely as experiencing a vacation. It makes your mood good and calm. The sound of rain on the house roofs and raindrops on the face excites us.

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Feeling rain droplets on your hands or face and then looking at the vast sky above is a very satisfying feeling. It often gives a sense of belongingness. Especially, a lot of people living away from their home for work or education adore rain due to its calming factor. So, facing the sky when it’s raining and feeling rain droplets on your hands and face are what we wait to do when the rainy season starts.

People usually love to record that aesthetic view of the sky post-rain. But it is very difficult for any camera to justify the actual beauty of the sky during rains. I feel a ray of hope while looking at the sky during rain. As if there is a lot left in life to see, as much as this sky. Like this sky doesn’t have any limit nor should our hopes and dreams have. Hence, it is always a pleasure to sit under the sky and feel the universe vibing along with you.

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3. Kids playing around


Not only us but kids love rains too. We can see kids playing in 1st rain by splashing water on one another, some make paper boats running to and fro making joyful noise followed by rain dance. That scene of kids playing in rain reminds each one of us of our childhood memory of playing in rain. That day even parents don’t say No to kids if they want to play in Rains. And seeing this brings a sense of immense joy to our lives. It may seem a bit dramatic, but dancing in rain surely hits differently. It feels like nature around is dancing along with you. Going for a carefree football match or a walk-in first rain feels so calming and touching that it can reduce your stress.

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Children love to play in rain. Though due to fear of being sick, parents usually avoid sending their kids in rain. But sometimes, it is okay to let them go out and explore the beauty and importance of nature. For me, children playing around with rain is a complete mood lifter. You can hear them laugh and dance in the natural shower. I have always been fascinated with the famous Indian song “Chak Dhoom Dhoom”. A lot of kids dancing in rain and enjoying every moment of it.

A lot of children and even adults prefer to play some sort of sports during rain in India. You can usually see people on roads or parks enjoying and playing all together. A lot of people prefer to play football during the rainy season. Passing each other ball in mud and making a goal is surely a feeling that hits differently. You can even find a lot of audience cheering, some from their balconies and some just a few steps away from you. But also it is very essential to take care of your health out there. Make sure you don’t spend a lot of time in wet clothes and once you get home, change and stay in a warm place for a while. Make sure to notice any signs like shivering, cold, etc while you are playing outside in rain.

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4. Rains & Music – best combination

Music is always something that affects our mood. The smoothness and comfort given by my music can never be replaced. And guess what it can do when the two most soothing things go together. Yes, I am talking about the rain and the music. There are so many songs that perfectly compliment the mood of rain. Music totally goes with rain. Plugin your earphones and vibe with the wonderful rainy environment.

Many reports say that music is a great mood uplifter. On the other hand, rain is a great way to calm you down. So, music and rain together are a great combo to feel free, happy, cheerful and relaxed. You can surely find some amazing music that compliments the soothing nature of rain so much that you will end up feeling happy and relieved.

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Even in Indian classical music, some songs are made just in a particular “Raag” when it rains. This Raag is known as “Raag Malhar“. Raag Malhar is inspired by the beauty and sound of rain. Numerous lyrical compositions in ragas of the Malhar family describe the way that luxuriant green plants cover the landscape during the monsoon season.

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5. Ultimate romantic time for couples


The rainy season is known for its romantic vibe. The pleasant sound and fragrance with a cool breezy atmosphere surely trigger the love buds in you. A coffee date and a long drive can actually give your and your partner a box of beautiful memories. Listening to your favourite music together and hugging just makes it better once it starts to rain.

You can plan a lot of things to do with your partner in the monsoon. Sharing a single umbrella is so cosy and also makes you feel closer to them. . If you have a balcony or a garden, make some tea and grab some cookies and sit back and relax. The sound of the rain, the birds chirping and that glittery green around you will definitely give you and your partner a romantic high. 

Cosy hugs while being in rain surely make a perfect date plan. You can surely go for an outing with your partner when it’s raining outside. Go on a long drive, get some roadside street food, listen to some romantic music and feel the warmth of love between you both enhanced by the rainy season. While staying at home, you both can have some snacks and sleep in a warm blanket with windows open to feel the rain closely.

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6. Food – the best companion of rains


The rainy season makes us crave delicious food. In India, people usually prefer a hot cup of tea with some steaming hot and flavourful bhajia/pakoras. Whenever it is raining you feel hungry and need some tasty and steaming food. More than just fulfilling your appetite, good food during the monsoon uplifts your mood.

Street food is the most recommended cuisine during monsoon. India is a land of diversity and trusts me when we talk about food, the sky is the limit. You can find tasty street food all the time. Sizzling pakoras, while you see the rain and experience its cool touch on yourself, is such a mind-blowing package.

And if you are an Indian, I need not mention the all-time favourite and our must-have “Adrak wali Chai”. Tea is a must-have beverage in the majority of Indian families. And rainy season gives us another excuse to grab some extra cup of tea. Warm tea with a cool rainy breeze feels like heaven, doesn’t it? Well, it might seem difficult but having all these snacks outdoor in a rainy season hits differently. It might get a bit messy but guess what? Rain is all about being messy and happy.

Hence, make sure you get some tasty street food while enjoying the first rain in your city.

7. Amazing long drives

Long Drive

Imagine driving while witnessing a beautiful coloured sky with a cold breeze going along. You can experience this when you’ll take out your vehicle and go for a drive in the monsoon. Enjoy the weather with windows open and feel the cold breeze on your face. Drive through the empty roads and turn on some Monsoon songs on your radio.

Driving in the monsoon can help you in lighting up your mood and making you feel the essence of peace. And this is the sort of thing you will enjoy doing alone as well. Just the sound of rain, the fragrance of wet mud, cold breeze, and you. Even imagining that scenario gives a chill to mind. You can surely turn on some music and drive with an open window. You’ll feel that all your thoughts that were rushing in your mind continuously, are calming down slowly.

But make sure, you follow all the basic safety rules as driving in rain can be a bit tricky. Make sure you wear your seat belt and drive at a decent speed. It’s difficult to clearly see while driving in rain. Braking distances are increased on wet surfaces so it’s best to keep a larger distance from the vehicle in front of you and keep your speed in check especially when raining. This not only gives you adequate room to slow down but also a little more time to react which can be a lifesaver. It will also provide you with a better view of the road ahead, handy with the increased potholes and debris. So, make sure you are careful enough to make this ride a wonderful and memorable experience.

People love to drive to the few most beautiful places in the rainy season around their cities for enjoying the most pleasant weather.

8. Making paper boats and reliving your childhood

Paper boats

Often in this hectic life, we forget the moments that make us the happiest. Remember when we used to make paper boats and leave them in rainwater to float?. Those Rainwater boats racing with friends used to hit differently. But as we say there is always a child that resides in us. And that’s what we need to remember.

So don’t think twice before taking out your papers and folding them into boats this rainy season. Let the kid inside you play and enjoy the childhood again. Also, you can spare your vehicles and once again take out your childhood ride. Yes! I am talking about your bicycle. Paddle up and roam around the streets in the rain. Feel the cold water droplets on your face.

And don’t forget to have a race and rain marathon. Splash the groundwater with your feet and feel like running on water. Sometimes, it is very important to do all the activities you used to do as a kid. It improves stress-related issues and makes you happy. Doing all this can actually turn your perspective optimistic and you can finally enjoy some good moments if you were waiting for a break. And as we say, there is no age to your heart right?

9. Weather is the highlight

Heavy Rains

Rain changes the weather in one go. The environment around goes all green and cool. All the plants get wet and green. The fragrance of wet soil makes it more lovely to stay around that greenery. The sky reflects various shades of blue. Colours like blue and green are known as cold colours. This is because they give a sense of coolness and calmness to the eyes and heart. I love the vibe rain creates around and also the weather after the rain. Like a deep silence helps the mind to relax.

And, if you are lucky enough you may also witness a beautiful rainbow in the sky after rain. In this era of pace, when we all are running a race to fight different battles of our lives, rainy weather might give you a feeling of rest, a feeling of calmness. It might help you to understand the importance of standing still and enjoying the moment.

10. First rain is most essential for farmers

We might wish for rain to enjoy or to ditch harsh summers. But somewhere rainy season is worshipped and most awaited. Yes, I am talking about the farmers. Farmers wait for the rains to come so that their crops can get proper irrigation. That means rain is a survival factor for many people indulged in agriculture.

A good balance of rain and proper irrigation can lead to faster-growing plants, which can be cut down on germination time and the length between seeding and harvest. The crops are dependent on the water during their entire lifecycle to survive and thrive.

And if I talk about India, Rain contributes majorly to the Indian economy. Nearly half of India’s agricultural land has no artificial irrigation facilities and is dependent on monsoon rains, which account for 70-90 per cent of annual rainfall. Farming accounts for almost 15 per cent of India’s GDP and employs nearly 42.6 per cent of the workforce.

Rain in the winter season brings joy and relief to a farmer and life to a farmer’s land, Rainwater’s crops and the grass for animals. It replenishes creeks, reservoirs, and the water table. It washes away all the summer dust and turns dry grass into decomposing carbon for soil microbes. The rainy season forces farmers to take a break from outside work so they can rest or finish indoor projects. Rain is a farmer’s salvation.

There are several reasons which made the rainy season the best time to cherish your childhood memories. Though sometimes, rains become the reason for destruction as well but when Rains starts, it makes the complete environment fresh and happy including birds and animals, trees and plants and before all those it’s me.

Here are some things you can experience in the initial days of the rainy season. Make sure you take care of your health while doing all this. Changing the environment surely hits people with a weak immune system. So make sure you take precautions but also enjoy the first rain to the fullest. No more ” rain rain go away”?.. of course not.

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