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6 Animal Rights Laws in India that everyone must know about!

Animal lovers in India who feed or care for stray animals face incredible hostility since stray animals are viewed as a threat. People fail to recognise that silent animals are living beings that experience the same level of anguish and sadness as people, if not more.

The Indian Constitution, on the other hand, has certain provisions in favour of the voiceless and those who try to improve the welfare of these creatures.

  • Section 11 (i) of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 says that abandoning an animal, leaving it in a situation where it suffers pain due to starvation or thirst, is a punishable offence. 

A fine of up to ₹50 may be imposed in this situation. If the same act is committed again within three years, the offender faces a fine of between ₹25 and ₹100, or up to three months in jail, or both. Clearly, neither the fine nor the jail is a sufficient deterrent to persons who mistreat animals.

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  • The Animal Welfare Board of India issues IDs for people who feed stray animals.

These identification cards assist those who want to safeguard stray animals from animal haters. The Board also hosts Animal Welfare Fortnight, which does not receive the attention it deserves.

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  • It is illegal to maim or cause any injury to any animal.

The Indian Penal Code’s Sections 428 and 429, as well as the Cruelty to Animals Act of 1960, make it unlawful to maim or injure any animal. It is also against the law for automobiles to hurt dogs, cats, or cows on the streets. A person who breaks these regulations can be reported to the local animal protection organisation as well as the police. The above-mentioned parts can also be used to file a case.

All of the foregoing actions are punishable by a fine of at least Rs. 2000 and/or a prison sentence of up to five years. 4. No sterilised pets can be moved from their current location. No sterilised dogs can be transferred from their region under the Government of India’s Animal Birth Control Rules 2001. Sterilized canines are required to remain in their native territory under five distinct High Court Orders. If a dog is not sterilised, society can simply request that it be sterilised and vaccinated by an animal welfare group.

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  • Local Municipal Corporation Acts, Prevention of Cruelty to Animal’s Act, 1960, Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972

Under the Local Municipal Corporation Acts, Prevention of Cruelty to Animal’s Act, 1960, Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and Indian Penal Code states ‘ it’s illegal to slaughter animals, at places like temples and streets that are not licensed to do so’.

  • It is a criminal offense to feed poisonous food to stray animals.

A person who is caught doing so can be charged under Section 11 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act of 1960, which extends to the whole of India.

  • Section 16 (c) of Wildlife Protection Act 1972.

Under Section 16 (c) of the Wildlife Protection Act 1972, it is illegal to hurt, hunt, kill, or destroy wild birds or reptiles, or to damage or disrupt their eggs or nests. Those found guilty face a fine of Rs 25000 and a sentence of 3 to 7 years in jail.

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