Alzheimer’s disease is a rapidly spreading disease that damages memory and other important mental functions. It is the most common cause of dementia, which greatly reduces our intellectual capacity. These changes can prove to be bad for our day-to-day life. In Alzheimer’s disease, brain cells begin to build and die on their own, causing a persistent decline in memory and mental functions.
Alzheimer’s disease is also called ‘amnesia disease’. Symptoms of this disease include loss of memory, inability to make decisions, difficulty in speaking, and then due to this, serious social and family problems, etc. The risk of developing this disease increases due to high blood pressure, diabetes, modern lifestyle, and multiple head injuries. This disease often occurs around the age of 60 and there is currently no cure for it.
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There are one hundred billion cells (neurons) in the brain. Each cell communicates with many other cells to form a network. The work of this network is special. Some think, learn and remember. In Alzheimer’s disease, part of the cell’s industry stops working, affecting other functions as well. As the damage progresses, the cells lose their ability to function and eventually die.
Stages of Alzheimer’s
There are three stages of Alzheimer’s disease –
Preliminary Stage
Problems recognizing friends and family members. Language problems and difficulty in reading, writing, and working with numbers. Difficulty organizing thoughts and thinking carefully. Inability to learn new tasks or deal with new and unexpected situations. unreasonable anger. Perceptual problems, such as problems getting up from a chair or setting a table, repeating words or movements, and sometimes muscle tremors. hallucinations, confusion, doubts or insanity, and irritability. Impulse control problems, such as using poor language at inappropriate times or places. Disturbance of behavioural symptoms, such as restlessness, excitement, anxiety, crying, and wandering.
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Middle Stage –
The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease will become more noticeable as the disease progresses. Some chores will be difficult for the affected person, and he or she should not drive, handle bills, or work independently. Despite the fact that his or her memory loss has worsened, he or she may still recall crucial information about their lives and loved ones. As this stage progresses, the individual may demand more attention.
It’s critical for loved ones and caregivers to seek instruction about the behavioural changes they can expect and ways of dealing with them throughout this stage. In order to avoid caregiver burnout, it’s also critical that caregivers seek help for themselves.
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Severe Symptoms
The final stage of Alzheimer’s disease is the most challenging, but it is also the shortest part of the illness’s course in most cases. Around-the-clock care is frequently required at this time. This is when proactive planning and communication about the wishes of the person affected during the early stages of the disease can be beneficial and reduce caregiver stress.
It’s crucial to remember that, despite the fact that traditional communication is frequently severely limited during this stage, caretakers and loved ones may still be able to communicate with the individual who has been afflicted. They can express their concern and love by using their senses to communicate, such as touch, singing, or staring at something.
Difference between Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are not the same. Dementia is a holistic term used to describe memory, problems with daily activities, and communication disabilities. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia and it affects memory, language, and thinking over time.
Although the symptoms of both these conditions may be similar, it is important to know the difference between the two. Both the conditions have the following symptoms.
Food items that can prevent Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s destroys brain cells, causing changes in memory, thinking power, and other behaviours. It affects social life. With the passage of time, this disease starts progressing. The National Institutes of Health has found in its research that with food, diet, and lifestyle, you can prevent Alzheimer’s disease. In such a situation, to avoid Alzheimer’s disease, along with healthy food, do regular exercise. Let us tell you some such foods by which you can prevent mental disease and Alzheimer’s.
Whole Grains
Eating whole grains ensures that your diet is rich in other essential nutrients that keep your body and mind healthy. Processed food is said to be your brain’s worst enemy. Whole grains help control weight, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart diseases. This in turn improves brain health and prevents Alzheimer’s.
Beans are rich in fibre, which stabilizes glucose levels and increases energy in your brain. It stabilizes the brain and allows its functioning to function properly.
Blueberries Berry
Especially blueberry is very effective for treating Alzheimer’s. It prevents memory loss and improves brain health. It also improves the cognitive function of the brain.
Olive Oil
Olive Oil It is one of the healthy oils that you can include in your diet. The components present in the oil help in improving the cognitive function of the brain. It also improves memory and helps keep you away from Alzheimer’s disease.
Banana One amazing thing in bananas is tryptophan. It not only improves mood but also removes depression. Vitamin B-6 is present in it gives brain health, that is, it is good for increasing memory, it is beneficial for people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
It is good if you can eat fish, otherwise, you must eat its oil. Fish is rich in protein and calcium, which helps in brain development. especially salmon and tuna Tomato Tomatoes are rich in lycopene. It not only prevents damage to the cells of the body but also reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s.
Vitamin B12 and choline are found in abundance in eggs. It builds brain cells, which increases memory.
Broccoli Many nutrients are found in broccoli, including vitamin K, which is helpful in increasing brainpower.
Green Tea
Green tea contains antioxidants called polyphenols, which control ageing. Green tea has also been found to be effective in increasing memory. It is good for the brain, so it is the enemy of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
Feature Image credits: National Institute of Aging