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How to identify Bipolar disorder in Children? Symptoms and Causes

How to identify Bipolar disorder in Children? Symptoms and Causes

Bipolar disorder is called manic depression, which causes extreme mood swings. This includes a high level of emotion (mania or hypomania) and a low level (depression). When you have depression, you feel hopeless or depressed and lose interest in most activities. On the other hand, when the mood shifts in the other direction, then you can feel full of celebration and energy. Mood changes can happen only a few times a year or even several times a week. Mood swings are more severe, debilitating, and disabling in people with bipolar disorder than are experienced by the general population. Some people may also have hallucinations (nightmares, etc.) and other symptoms.

According to some studies, creativity may increase in some people with bipolar disorder. However, mood swings can make it difficult for them to focus on a project or follow through on a project. As a result of this, individuals start many projects or works but are not able to finish them. Although bipolar disorder is a harmful and long-term condition, you can prevent mood swings by following a treatment plan. In most cases, bipolar disorder is controlled with the help of medications and psychological counselling.

It is a very difficult task to even treat bipolar disorder in children. You can identify the symptoms of bipolar disorder in children by the number of days they have been in a state of mania or depression. If the state of mania or depression in the child persists for a very long time or persists for several days, then it may be that the child is suffering from this problem.

Also check out: Bipolar disorder and suicide – Things to avoid

Mixed episode or cycle

In some rare cases, the child may experience rapid changes in both mania and depression symptoms at the same time. This state of bipolar disorder is called a mixed episode or cycle.

Bipolar disorder requires a medical examination. While reading, keep in mind that the behaviour of all young children changes from moment to moment. This type of change is the main symptom of bipolar disorder. This does not mean that all children suffer from bipolar disorder.

By these symptoms, you can see the possibility of bipolar disorder in the child. But only a trained specialist can determine whether a child has bipolar disorder or not by medical examination. That is why if you think that your child is suffering from Bipolar Disorder, then you need to get him medically examined.

Also check out: Bipolar Disorder – Symptoms, Types, Treatment.

Common symptoms of bipolar disorder in children:

Symptoms of mania
It is common for children to be hysterical. But sometimes the state of mania points to bipolar disorder:

  • Unnecessarily if the baby stays in a happy mood for too long or has lived in an irritating city for too long
  • Sudden change in baby’s behavior due to mania. In children with bipolar disorder, you may see behaviors that are not normally seen in other children.
  • Some children with bipolar disorder try to speak at a very high speed.
    There can also be a rapid change in the thinking of children. For example, in one moment he may like one thing, then in another moment he may like some other thing.
  • They also have symptoms similar to ADHD. For example, like children affected by ADHD, their attention is easily divided.
  • These children are full of energy. You will find them engaging in a variety of activities in an instant. You will find them working on new plans all the time.
  • It is natural for these children to be extremely restless.
    Sometimes they do not get enough amount of sleep due to excessive activity. It may also happen that due to this, he is unable to sleep full sleep for several days. But still you will never find them tired.
  • These children have a lot of confidence in their abilities. It would be more appropriate to say that they have unrealistic confidence in their abilities.
  • These children attack under the influence of their intense emotions.These children show great interest in high-risk games and fun activities.

Also check out: What does OCD in Children mean?

Behavior changes due to depression

When these children are going through a mood of depression you will find them in a state of sadness and hopelessness for a very long time

  • They find it very difficult to concentrate on any one task.
  • It’s hard to remember them too
  • They also have to face problems in decision making due to changes of mood from moment to moment.
  • Due to being in depression for a long time, they remain restless for a long time, and during this time they are irritable.
  • Depression causes them to lose appetite and sleep
  • Depression in older children can lead to thoughts of death or suicide

Cause of Bipolar Disorder

So far, experts have not been able to find out what causes bipolar disorder in children. But in many types of research done around the world, it has been found that many factors can increase the personality of bipolar disorder in children. There are four main functions:

  • Heredity, that is, if there is a history of bipolar disorder in the family, then there is a possibility of bipolar disorder in the child too.
  • natural, or rather because of biodiversity
  • Our brain works smoothly with the help of neurotransmitters. But even if there is an imbalance in the functioning of these neurotransmitters, a person may still have to face the problem of bipolar disorder.
  • Even under stress or humiliation, children can suffer from bipolar disorder.

Treatment of Bipolar disorder in children

Keep taking medicines on time
Keep giving medicine to the child on time. To remember the time of medicine, you can take the help of a timer or note, etc. on mobile or watch. If the child has to take medicine during school hours, talk to the school teacher about this and ask the child to give the medicine on time.

Keep an eye out for harmful effects:
Most of the drugs used in this disease were originally tested on adults. Only a few studies have been done on children and adolescents. So be cautious about the side effects of the medicine in children.

Talk to the child’s teachers:
In some cases, children with the disease may need special care at school. The child’s teachers or school principal needs to be aware of this disease.

Maintain Routine:
Children with this disorder can benefit from a routine. Help children wake up, eat, exercise and sleep at the same time every day.

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