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In the South China Sea, a Russian warship engages in anti-submarine exercises

In the South China Sea, a Russian warship engages in anti-submarine exercises

In the South China Sea’s disputed seas, a Russian cruiser participated in an anti-submarine drill as a show of naval might. On Monday, January 29, Reuters, quoting Russian media, said that the Pacific Fleet frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov had quickly adopted anti-submarine warfare techniques after seeing a fictitious enemy submarine. The frigate demonstrated its ability to counter possible underwater threats by firing depth charges and torpedoes.

The exercise was part of a broader mission involving a detachment of Russian Pacific Fleet warships, including the Varyag cruiser, which ventured into the Asia-Pacific region. Departing from the port of Vladivostok last week, these warships are engaged in a long-distance voyage, underscoring Russia’s strategic interests in the area.

This latest demonstration of military prowess is reminiscent of a same incident that took place in October of the previous year, when warships of the Russian Navy practiced air defense and improved their ability to locate hostile submarines in the South China Sea. Russia’s determination to uphold a strong presence in the area and participate in assertive naval drills is demonstrated by these maneuvers, which add to the South China Sea’s complicated geopolitical dynamics.

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