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Interview with Co – Founder of Digivolgs – Mr Mahfooz Ansari

Interview with Co - Founder of Digivolgs - Mr Mahfooz Ansari

Marketing and communication has become an important sector for all industries and today we have Mr Mahfooz Ansari, the co-founder of DigiVolgs who is actively involved in this field. He gives us a sneak peak into how his business grew and what challenges he faced on his journey.

  • What is your business Digivolgs all about?

Ans :- Digivolgs Media Pvt. Ltd is a rapidly growing company all set to make a mark in the dynamic field of communication and marketing automation. Starting as a team of enthusiastic professionals, we use our frontline expertise in segments like data, voice and SMS solutions to offer such services as cloud telephone, re-targeting automation, emails etc. to enable you, our clients, to optimize your engagement with current and potential future customers.

  • What were the most difficult challenges you faced while starting your business?

Entrepreneurship comes with a host of challenges. Rewarding challenges, but harsh challenges nonetheless. Experienced entrepreneurs have to deal with this no matter how long they’ve been in business — trying to establish a brand, adjust to match or exceed the competition and keep your business profitable is a challenge no matter how many years you’ve been in business.

But for new and young entrepreneurs, some unique challenges are especially difficult to overcome. If you’re just getting into the game, or you’re thinking about becoming an entrepreneur,

  • What are the unique features of your business?

We are different since we help augment client marketing programs with smart automation. We are effective because our efforts enable client marketing managers to derive precise insights into their objectives. And we strive to make a mark by helping you to take informed profit-making decisions!

  • Why did you choose to start this (specific) business?

I started my career in this industry and I would have 11+ years of experience in the job, that’s why I started my business in the same industry.

  • Have you learnt about leadership and entrepreneurship after becoming an entrepreneur? What have you learnt?

As the founder of your startup, you’ll be expected to come up with the ideas. When a competitor emerges, it will be your responsibility to come up with a response plan. When your team hits an impenetrable obstacle, your job will be to come up with an alternative plan to move forward. This demands on-the-spot creative thinking — which should be an oxymoron, but entrepreneurs rarely have the luxury of time. The less experience you have, the more pressure you’ll feel from this, and the harder time you’ll have coming up with acceptable plans.

  • After all this success, what do you struggle with now?

Struggles are always there; it depends on how we see them. If we don’t want to work on the challenges; we can’t do your business someday.

  • If you had one piece of advice for someone who is just starting his or her business, what would it be?

Follow your passion, get deep into the subject matter and keep on solving challenging problems of the market.

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