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Interview with Soberbio Consulting CoFounder – Dr Hitu Mahajan

Interview with Soberbio Consulting CoFounder - Dr Hitu Mahajan

Marketing for different startups has become a very important aspect in the current era. Now, if you don’t have the means to market your brand, there are so many services out there to help you.

Today we interviewed one of them from the Media Marketing Industry — Dr Hitu Mahajan who has achieved so much from the media industry and now is a CoFounder at Soberbio Consulting.

  • What is your business all about?

My business – Soberbio Consulting helps business owners to incubate and accelerate their business(s). Soberbio Consulting offers – Business and Media & Marketing Advisory Services to businesses. Our clients have been spread across Pan India and International. Soberbio Consulting has all the explicit advisory services listed. We have been consulting the businesses from technology / retail / education /health / fitness/ real-estate/ media/ e-commerce / cosmetics / travel and tourism to name few domains. I lead Media -Marketing and Communication Strategy for my business and my business associates.

  • What were the most difficult challenges you faced while starting your business?

Challenge predominantly faced was to make business owners understand the need for advisory for their business. There is a lot of bias amongst the entrepreneur related to their brands or products. And that bias doesn’t allow them to grow or see the rational picture, they struggle but don’t accept that they need a consultant or advisor.

  • What are the unique features of your business?

Having an expert team of professionals who are SMEs of their respective domain

Investing in Team via promoting learning and development for career

Empathetic about the business owners

Understanding the business and driving solutions via best practices of market

  • Why did you choose to start this (specific) business?

Good question. Honestly while working with media houses, my profile was more stereotyped. The scope of learning and experimentation with the available resources was quite dreary. I wanted to move out from the fearful, expected and stereotypical life to start a new journey full of adventure, expecting the unexpected, fearless and experimental.  

  • Have you learnt about leadership and entrepreneurship after becoming an entrepreneur? What have you learnt?

Not exactly. Leadership and entrepreneurship have been in my genes. My journey of being an entrepreneur has taught me perseverance, patience, agility, resilience and motivation in hard times. Stay focus on your goal without any distraction –money and fame are the byproducts of hard and smart work.

  • How do you manage to stand better and be unique in terms of competition?

I don’t have any competition. I compete with myself.

  • If you had one piece of advice to someone who is just starting his or her business, what would it be?

Follow your passion wholeheartedly. No budging, Open to learning / be the better part of yourself always/ be updated with latest and futuristic tech trends and your work field/ be good listener and observer / learn from tiniest thing/respect people around barring age, gender, status / be grateful to almighty.

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