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Health Lifestyle

Delicious and Healthy Meal Plan for your Ramadan

Nutrition Plan during Ramadan:

Fasting during the Holy Month is supposed to teach us Self Discipline as well as Self Control. After breaking the fast, this discipline and control must continue in terms of our food choices, so that we have a healthy body and a healthy mind.

Here is a guide to eating healthy during this pious month.

Sehri Meal –
Fruit – Banana / Mango / Chickoo / a small bowl of papaya / 3 dry figs ( anjeer ) / 1 tablespoon mixed raisins
Gap of 15 to 20 minutes –
Choose any 1 of the following options:
Option 1 – 1 whole egg and 2 whites + 1-1 ½ Roti
Option 2 – 1 cup curd and 1 to 2 thin stuffed parathas ( potato / mixed vegetable ) or 2 theplas
Option 3 – 2 Idlis + 1 cup sambhar
Option 4 – 1 whole wheat roti wrap with green mint and coriander chutney and choice of filling ( chicken / egg / paneer / vegetables / pulses )
Option 5 – 2 cheelas with 1 cup curd or dal
Option 6 – 1 cup sabzi with 2 rotis or theplas
Drink fluids (water, coconut water, thin chaas)

A Quick tip – 1 glass of thick chaas, with added jeera / pudina / ajwain, along with a handful of nuts or 1 glass of milk with 1 home made whole wheat ladoo is a power-packed meal for those people who cannot eat much during the Sehri time.

Iftaari –
Break the fast with 3 medium sized dates and any ONE of the beverage suggested below –
Coconut water
Aam Panna (replace sugar with jaggery)
Pudina – Jeera water
Very thin chaas
Lime water with jaggery
Followed by a bowl of mixed fruits.
If you are full with the above then do not eat, if you are hungry then eat 1 of the following options –
Option 1 – Chicken / fish small bite sized kebabs ( shallow fried / air fried )
Option 2 – 1 cup cooked poha
Option 3 –  2 Idlis and 1 cup sambhar
Option 4 – Dosa – (2 sada or 1 masala) with 1 cup sambhar
Option 5 – 1 whole wheat roti wrap (choice of filling)
Option 6 – 1 whole wheat bread sandwich (choice of filling)
Option 7 – 1 small bowl Haleem
Option 8 – Soup
Option 9 -1 bowl Hummus with carrot and cucumber sticks Option 10 -1 bowl ragda – pattice

Make sure you don’t eat deep fried snacks and maida based dishes that could throw your digestive system off gear.

Dinner – If you have eaten the above dishes at Iftaari keep the dinner light.
Option 1 – 1 whole egg with 1 roti
Option 2 – Dal-Rice / Pulav 1 medium sized bowl
Option 3 – chicken /fish with 1 roti
Option 4 – Khichdi with curry 1 bowl each
Option 5 – 1 bowl vegetables with 1 roti

Have 3 litres of fluids. You can opt for 1 glass of Haldi milk at bedtime. Make sure you ask your doctor for necessary supplements as per your unique individual needs.

Have a serene holy month with an abundance of blessings.

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