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Parents Are Unhappy with Baby Formula Because of NEC and Other Injuries

Baby Formula Milk

Every parent wants their infant to get the correct nutrition so that they grow up healthy. However, parents whose premature infants have been diagnosed with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) after using toxic baby formulas should take legal action. Today, many baby formulas based on cow’s milk are being criticized for causing harm to infants in baby formula lawsuits.

Parents have started to file their legal claims against leading manufacturers of baby formula such as Mead Johnson and Abbott because they failed to warn users about the probable health hazards. The companies kept on marketing and promoting their products, claiming that they provide the right nutrition that an infant requires.

In this article, we will discuss how baby formula affects infants and anguished parents globally and how to seek legal assistance to get fair compensation.

Baby Formula Led to NEC and Other Health Issues

The latest NEC lawsuit update states that close to 389 lawsuits are pending in MDL. Since the litigation is in its initial phase, there have been no jury verdicts or sanctioned settlements.

In September 2023, reported the story of Jose Dominguez and Modesta Garcia, parents of Anthony Dominguez, who suffered from NEC after being put on Similac baby formula. The infant also had to undergo surgery to reconstruct his bowels, which resulted in permanent injuries.

The lawsuit stated that Anthony weighed only three pounds and one ounce. Owing to jaundice and prematurity, the newborn was sent to the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) and later developed cerebral palsy. The baby was initially fed breast milk and, after nearly two weeks, was put on Similac infant formula, marketed by Abbott Laboratories as a must for premature and low-birth-weight infants.

The outcome was that Anthony developed NEC, as his stomach suddenly bloated. Upon diagnosis, the doctors informed his parents that he had intestinal bleeding. He also had to undergo bowel resection and reconstruction surgery and was kept in the NICU for nearly three months to recover from catastrophic injuries.

Baby Anthony isn’t the only infant who has suffered to this extent after being fed baby formula. Jayona Jones, mother of a deceased minor, filed a similar complaint, stating that she lost her baby to NEC.

The rising number of complaints and allegations against baby formula products and their manufacturers is making parents think twice about using them. They are disappointed with the turn of events, which has made them more cautious than ever.

Side Effects of Baby Formula

Baby formulas can result in severe side effects. However, nutrient deficiency, food allergies, or baby formula contamination can cause health issues when left unattended and untreated. Today, NEC affects one in every 1,000 infants who are prematurely born, and the risk is higher in babies with a low birth weight.

Other side effects include food allergy symptoms like swelling in the throat, hives, and vomiting, which are medical emergencies. These symptoms can show up within days or a few weeks of consuming cow’s milk-based baby formula.

Baby formula might get contaminated with Cronobacter bacteria at the time of manufacturing, preparation, or even while feeding if the bottles don’t get cleaned properly.

In early 2022, medical device and healthcare company Abbott issued a recall for infant formula for specific batches of EleCare, Alimentum, as well as Similac formulas after reports of babies becoming sick from Cronobacter infections. It even made a few babies lose their lives. In March, FDA inspectors noticed many situations where Cronobacter bacteria were present at the factory unit where baby formula products were manufactured.

Babies less than three months old or with a weak immune system are more likely to develop bacterial infections. Here, Cronobacter can lead to fatal infections. Hence, parents must ensure to prepare baby formula in a clean place.

Taking the Necessary Legal Action

Parents whose infants have been severely affected by NEC and other debilitating conditions because of baby formula consumption should take legal action. They must file a lawsuit, stating all the injuries and side effects that their infant underwent, and ask for fair compensation that would cover the damages and medical bills.

TorHoerman Law suggests that it is necessary to contact an expert lawyer and work in cooperation to attain both justice and monetary compensation. Parents should submit every piece of vital evidence to their lawyers so that they can refer to it and develop a solid case to ensure that the verdict is in their favor. Additionally, the lawyer also guides the parents to conduct themselves in such a way that they don’t lose out on their compensation.

In conclusion, the dangers of infant formula are coming to light, which is making parents alert. It also points to the fact that breast milk is safe for infants. Furthermore, parents should question their doctors if they suggest a baby formula for their infants and arrive at an informed decision. Parents whose infants have been affected by NEC and other injuries should seek both medical and legal aid.

Photo by Lucy Wolski on Unsplash

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