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Smart Phones as IOT Devices

With the passage of time Smart Phones have evolved drastically surprising the world. The technology is doing wonders to the lifestyle of mankind. People are able to perform various tasks instantly with the help of their Smart Phone. internet of things With the evolution of Social Media viz. Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. the communication has been much simpler nowadays.


Smart Phones somehow empower us to do the multitasking; it is like hand held computer on the go with surprisingly abundant storage. One can do various works such as check e-mail, access social media, do video calling, conference calling, use GPS (Global Positioning System) for navigation and capture photographs & videos. Of the various cell phones available in the market, iPhones are considered to be most secure and sophisticated. One can do various works by using different applications (commonly known as apps). One can do banking transactions instantly. Nowadays, people are doing more and more online purchasing and thereby saving time & resources for the users. These tasks are being performed with the help of so called Internet. You can use the internet in the smart phone by in-built cellular data as well as by Wi-fi. One can connect the internet from mobile to laptop and vice versa by the help of hotspot. These days’ smart phones can do anything and everything which a laptop or a personal computer does. So, Smart phones are equally or we can say much more equipped.

The wireless charging is the next big thing the technology world is eagerly waiting to literally happen. However, power bank for charging the cell phones are already in common practice and it is very-very helpful indeed when users are travelling or on the go.

If not totally, we can say that Smart Phones are taking the shape of internet of things  Devices gradually. The Smart Phone manufacturer companies nowadays are spending numerous amount on R&D (Research & Development) and that day is not far when they will be used full-fledged as internet of things devices.

In approximately, ten years from now, internet of things will start consuming the so called smart phones. One can build own IoT application using his or her own smart phone. In a very apt example, recently there was a commercial advertisement of Lloyd AC (Air Conditioner), in which Protagonist Mr. Amitabh Bachchan proudly highlights the USP (Unique Selling Proposition) or feature of the AC. He says, you can control the AC button from your Mobile (Smart Phone), which is nothing but one of the best IOT examples. In future, you will get to see more and more such examples of IoT happening in the real world. More the research work taking place more and more such innovations will take place or get evolved as time goes by. All the consumer durable devices (such as Refrigerators, Washing machines, Ovens, Mixer etc.) will become smarter with the help of IoT Technology. The driver less car is another example of independent technology that uses navigation coupled with IOT and lesser chance of accidents.

The better (financially sound) the smart phone company, the better will be the R&D (Research & Development) work and hence the better the outcome will be. The bigger Smart Phone Company’s name such as Apple, Samsung, Motorola, Nokia, Lenovo etc. are internationally recognized brands and have substantial market share. The market leader is Apple Inc. and its product iPhone is always in the news and limelight by its regular updates (versions) in the operating system (iOS) in which it performs. Eventually, it happens to be the biggest company in the world revenue wise.

IoT (Internet of things) is a future technology, which the technocrats is constantly tapping and nurturing for better future results. Not to surprise, several technology companies are coming together to form a forum to leverage the IoT technology at large which will eventually benefit all in long run. Last but not the least IoT Technology will surely make the world a better and convenient place to live in for the mankind in general. It will minimize the effort to perform any task in general. It will change the way we look the world to perform any day to day activities of our lifestyle.

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