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US and Iraq Initiate Talks to End International Military Presence

US and Iraq Initiate Talks to End International Military Presence

In the inaugural round of negotiations between the United States and Iraq concerning the future of US military involvement in Iraq, Baghdad has articulated expectations aimed at outlining a timeline for the reduction of US military presence. In a statement, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani said that the joint commission represents the start of the first phase of bilateral talks between Iraq and the US to end the US-led coalition in Iraq.

In an additional elaboration, the statement declared that military specialists will supervise the termination of the Global Coalition’s military campaign against Daesh (ISIL), ten years following the group’s founding and upon the accomplishment of its objective in collaboration with Iraqi security and armies.

As part of the alliance established in 2014 to support the Iraqi government in fighting ISIS, there are currently about 2,500 US personnel stationed in Iraq. In response, the US announced that it would form a committee to negotiate the conditions of the mission’s end, which were first proposed around a year ago.

The dialogue signifies a pivotal step towards potential shifts in the dynamics of military presence in the region, reflecting evolving priorities and strategies on both sides.

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