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Why Modern Relationships Are Falling Apart So Easily Today?

Modern relationships aren’t like those from a generation or two ago. The modern relationship is a lot more tenuous and people in them seem to end them at a moment’s notice.

We immerse ourselves in the inconsequentials of the city life, leaving no space for love. We don’t have time to love; we don’t have the patience to deal with relationships. We want to enjoy the bright lights and party into the night. We want all the materialistic things money can buy. We form relationships based on convenience. We don’t have space, time or patience to develop loving, lasting relationships. We’re busy people chasing materialistic dreams and there’s no scope to love. Modern relationships are nothing more than feasibility.

We look for instant gratification in everything we do – instant coffee, the things we post online, the careers we choose, and similarly the people we fall in love with. We want maturity in a modern relationship that comes with time; the emotional connection that develops over years, that sense of belonging when we barely even know the other person. At the first sign of problems i.e from first stage of compromise or mentality mismatch, either or both parties involved seem to wish to end the relationship. No one seems to know what makes a modern relationship so difficult to maintain or why people seem to fall in and out of love so easily. It seems like people today don’t know what love is or how to love each other. Apparently, nothing’s worth our time and patience – not even love. We rather spend an hour each with a hundred people than spending a day with one. People believe in having ‘options’ whether in case of dresses or partners. We want to have everything in one person. We get into relationships at the slightest attraction and step out, the moment we find someone better or if we have to compromise and adjust or responsibilities loaded.

On top of everything technology has brought us closer, so close that it’s impossible to breathe. Nowadays most of the relationships are made from social networking sites.Our physical presence has been replaced by texts, voice messages, snap chats and video calls. We don’t feel the need to spend time together anymore. We have too much of each other already. There’s nothing left to talk about.

The most important reason for short relationships is loneliness, it is a powerful feeling that can compel us to be with the wrong person or the very first person who touches the soft corner and join relationships at that moment for which we just aren’t truly ready for. It’s important to know yourself and what you exactly want before committing to a long term relationship.

What exactly we want is the emotional connection, sense of belonging, the deep knowledge of each other, and other perks of a mature relationship, but to understand this we don’t have the time and patience to let those things develop. Our instant messaging generation wants lucrative careers, great wealth, and loving relationships right away.

We don’t even value those kinds of relationships for long term. We let go of the most wonderful people for ‘the other fishes in the sea.’ We don’t consider them sacred anymore. There’s nothing we couldn’t conquer in this world, and yet, here we are ham-fisted at the game of love – the most basic of human instincts. Evolution, they call it. We are a guarded generation. We’re afraid if we love unconditionally we’ll be too vulnerable. We’re afraid of getting our hearts broken or getting our feelings hurt. So we build walls to protect ourselves, keep others out, and hide from love. Love is no longer sacred and modern relationships have no value. In our rush to mix and mingle, we get rid of the most wonderful people in our lives.

We’ve evolved and conquered the world. Yet we’ve lost the most basic and important human instinct i.e the ability to love one another so modern relationships are falling apart so easily today.

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