A Morning Walk For A Healthier Soul And Healthly Lifestyle

A Morning Walk For A Healthier Soul

Nowadays, every individual is caught in the rigmarole of everyday routines, competition, keeping up with the ever-increasing pressure at places of work, study, home, eventually leads to stress, mental fatigue, burnout a host of healthy disease and lack of healthy choice.

Health promotion is hardly talked and people are still into prevention and intervention that made some Health Activists plunge into this space of Health Promotion and healthy choice to take in.

Here are few tips for healthy choices for a Fit & Healthy Lifestyle which emphasizes the importance of Walk:

1. Stay Active with Exercise or Walk – Walking is most preferable over any other exercise because it is the simplest, inexpensive yet effective exercise, that can be done at any time, anyplace without any fancy gadgets or equipment or place. You don’t need to train to walk. Everyone knows it. One can adopt any other activity, something that you enjoy should be taken up.

2. Eat Healthy and Nutritious – Healthy food need not be boring! It is always advisable to cook your favourite foods at home instead of ordering some unhealthy junk. Let’s put on your thinking caps, modify the recipe a bit and you are all good for a healthier choice of food. Eat the right foods at the right time and don’t miss your breakfast.

3. Hydration – Water is the elixir of life, but we end up not drinking enough. Here is a tip for you  – with every doorbell that rings or every phone buzz or every Whatsapp sip water.

4. Breathe right: Mindful Breathing is therapeutic and Healing. It ensures more Oxygen reaching to all cells and impacting your health in a positive way. This can boost your healthy habits and healthy choice. We suggest you go out for a walk in nature, a garden nearby or a beach or any place where you find greenery to get that stock of fresh and pure air to breathe.

5. Sleep well: Good night’s sleep is essential to maintain the repair of your cells and tissues that take place when you sleep. Lack of sleep may lead to hypertension, diabetes, obesity etc. Data from a recent study shows that the average Indian sleeps for just 6.5 hours a night and 46% of Indians get less than 6 hours of sleep a night. So, sleep well to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Anyone who follows these 5 healthy choices in life will maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle along with a calm and happy mind too.

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