Does staying at home cause OCD? - Samachar Live

Does staying at home cause OCD?

Does staying at home cause OCD?

During the Corona period, people have been working from home. Lockdown has been a very difficult time. The lockdown has caused unprecedented changes in people’s lives. According to the ‘Rebooting 2020: A Story of COVID-19 and Shifting Perceptions’ survey by Mavericks India, sixty-one per cent of Indians are experiencing mental-health-related issues during this lockdown. This situation is not being given the attention and intervention it demands.

A UN brief published by the UN describes how many people who were previously coping well are now finding it hard to deal with distresses due to multiple stress factors that have emerged in the pandemic and the political response. Due to this people are getting many types of diseases. Many patients who are suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are coming to psychiatric doctors in the capital. Doctors say that this is a type of mental illness, which needs timely treatment.

What is OCD?

Dr Rajkumar Srinivas, a psychiatrist at AIIMS, explains that in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a person starts having inappropriate thoughts and fears. Along with this, they are compelled to do or check the same work again and again. This disease is medically called Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Although it is not a new disease, it needs to be treated in time. Obsession is a kind of obsession. In this, a person does the same work many times. Many people have been doing this for years, but they do not know that he is suffering from this type of mental illness.

Also check out: OCD – Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Doctor Rajkumar tells the patients who are coming to him at this time. Most of them have got used to doing one thing over and over again. For example, many people clean their hands with sanitiser 30 to 40 times a day. Many patients, while going out, touch the lock of the house several times to check whether it is engaged or not. It is a kind of mental problem. He said that there is a lot of lack of awareness among people about mental diseases.

If a person rechecks things once or twice or thrice it is normal, but if he is doing this 10 times a day then it is a serious mental problem. For this, you need to see a psychiatrist immediately. Swami Dayanand Hospital’s doctor Vivek Vashisht says that many times this disease also occurs due to being empty all the time and negative thoughts. This is the reason why the number of such patients is increasing.

Symptoms of OCD

  1. Frequent hand washing, bathing or brushing teeth and overuse of objects to disguise body odour.
    2.Checking the zips and buttons on the clothes frequently.
  2. Frequently check lights, appliances or doors to make sure they are turned off.
  3. Repeatedly asking the same question or saying the same thing.
  4. Mental preoccupation with constantly thinking or counting certain sounds, words or numbers.
  5. Lock and pull it 8 to 10 times
  6. Thinking of doing something wrong all the time This disease affects lifestyle

Also check out: What does OCD in Children mean?

Types of OCD

There are a few types of OCD that can occur in a person in different ways. The first is hoarding in which one is not able to let go of unnecessary things that they have.

The second is checking. In this, people check things repeatedly and unnecessarily. For example, they will check for certain hazards like leaks, fire, check taps for leaks, check lights in the house, etc. They repeatedly check certain things with the apprehension that they have made a mistake. For example, while writing a letter or EMI

The third is contamination in which the person has repetitive washing and has distressed thoughts about touched objects that are contaminated.

Fourth is the rumor in which people have obsessive views on subjects about which the conclusion is not satisfactory by them.

The fifth is serialization. In this, one can see things as not being symmetrical. For example, a person may need to arrange their books in a particular way and in symmetry.

Also check out: Paranoid personality disorder – Symptoms, Treatment.

What is the treatment for OCD disorder?

There is no cure for obsessive-compulsive disorder, but there are treatments that help control its symptoms. There are behavioural therapy and talk therapy given by trained therapists for this condition. Videoconferencing therapy or teletherapy is used to deal with OCD, along with acceptance and commitment therapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy, and exposure and response prevention therapy.

What is the medication for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

Medications are helpful in controlling unwanted obsessive thoughts and compulsions. However, before prescribing any medication, complete information should be gathered for OCD. The Food and Drug Administration has approved certain antidepressant and psychiatric medications to treat OCD such as clomipramine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, and sertraline.

Before prescribing any of these medicines, the doctor should discuss issues like side effects, suicide risk, and interactions with other substances. Even though all medicines are safe, there are chances of negative consequences. According to the FDA, antidepressants are prescribed to patients with mental illness but it always carries a black box with warnings.


According to doctors, this disease spoils the lifestyle of a person. Many people check things again and again while doing office or household work. This thought comes to his mind all the time. This also affects their work. Both the personal and social life of a person is badly affected by this disease. If the patient is also stressed with this problem, then it can be a serious problem. In such a situation, thoughts of suicide also come. Therefore it is important to share the information about this problem with your family and seek the advice of a doctor immediately. protect like this
According to doctors, to avoid this problem, it is most important that the person keeps himself busy. Always think positively and put your mind to the task. Apart from this problem can be prevented only by getting enough sleep, right food and exercise, and meditation.

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