Dr Vinay Singh – Founder & Director of Orange Neurosciences

Dr Vinay Singh – Founder & Director of Orange Neurosciences

We have heard and read stories of several entrepreneurs who have an ancestral business but started their new venture or who renovated their existing businesses. Or many other entrepreneurs who grew their business to heights. Though their stories are motivating in some of the other ways, most inspiring stories are of those entrepreneurs who were from simple non-business families and who started from scrap to establish their business.

These entrepreneurs learned from every step right from the inception date of their business. They failed several times but were not depressed. Their failures give them more passion and strength to move towards their aim of establishing and growing their business. These entrepreneurs with no funding and no experience as entrepreneur considered their hard-work, their passion for business, their knowledge and their strategy as their strength.

Such is an entrepreneur named Dr. Vinay Singh. Dr. Vinay Singh is the founder and director of Orange Neurosciences, an Edtech Start-up. After completing M.Sc., PhD. in Biotechnology, Vinay did Executive MBA from Queen’s University. Vinay also worked with Queen’s University as Adjunct Professor for Biomedical & Molecular Sciences and Founder, Director of Queen’s University Postdoctoral Fellow’s Association.

Vinay Singh found his in-depth knowledge in Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology as his strength as well as his objective to start his own venture – Orange Neurosciences. His achievements in Biotechnology Research and Development, specifically Diagnostics, Biomarkers, and Therapeutics gave him the power to chase his dream.

Orange Neurosciences is a unique Edtech and Digital Healthcare start-up which deals with providing solutions for mental illness and minor mental disabilities in children and adults. Research says that about 10% of the overall population faces mental health issues like low self-esteem, stress, anxiety, depression and suicidal tendencies which are most of the times only results of Reading disabilities, Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism or other disabilities. These disabilities seem to be so critical to people that they have no idea or very less information that these can be cured.

Orange Neurosciences has developed a SaaS-based revolutionary platform called ReadON for people with learning disabilities and Dyslexia. ReadON is a solution that will decrease or remove the need for supplemental accommodation in school and in the work-places. ReadON program will provide significant benefit to schools and colleges by increasing the reading abilities of students thereby improving the school pass rates, preparing better employment opportunities and increasing working potential.

ReadON is a proven solution to reduce several mental health issues caused by learning differences. Several children with learning disabilities across the globe have been benefited with ReadON program which increased their ability to read, understand and analyze. The neuroplasticity-based method provides an improvement in word attack, word identification, reading rate, reading accuracy, reading comprehension and passage comprehension.

ReadON creates effective neural networks in brains of poor readers by targeting the auditory, visual and auditory to visual bridge through a combination of motion graphics, psychological games, and acoustically modified sound. It includes 15-week of targeted cognitive training and reading instruction.

ReadON has proven itself as an Innovation in terms of learning and educating children and adults with its most unique engaging, process-oriented program that uses fast-moving graphics, differential sounds to build phonemic awareness, graphonemic knowledge, and language structure.

Dr. Vinay Singh’s intellectuality is not limited in developing ReadON program only but also this is a step where he is trying to evolve a better generation with more learning efficiency and better educational opportunities for people that make an empowered society.

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