Five Yoga Asanas That You Can Easily Perform at Your Workplace or Office - Samachar Live

Five Yoga Asanas That You Can Easily Perform at Your Workplace or Office

Yoga is regarded as one of the oldest traditions in India. Often correlated with spirituality, Yoga is a means to purify the body of all diseases and attain a healthy body. It is vital for the physical and mental development of the body. Still, because of irregular sleeping patterns and an unbalanced work-life associated with the modern hustle, people rarely have time to practise Yoga or pay attention to their bodies. Additionally, working at a regular desk job for more than eight hours a day can cause backaches, shoulder and neck pains, and stiffness, eventually leading to serious health problems.

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According to an Assocham report, over 53% of corporate businesses schedule yoga sessions to increase employee retention and productivity. But we don’t necessarily require many props to do Yoga. One may still unwind and relax on our own by doing some basic yoga poses at your desk!

Here are five yoga asanas for a healthy body and mind:

1. Seated Crescent Moon pose

When slouched over a computer for long durations, the side body tends to collapse, which can cause neck and shoulder pain. One can fix with the Seated Crescent Moon pose, which results in a stronger spine, a clearer brain, and greater awareness.

Spread your fingers widely and raise your arms aloft. Take two to three deep breaths, and lean to the right. Repeat for an additional two to three full breaths on the left side.

Also Read: Healing the mind, body and the spirit with yoga

2. Sitting Tadasana

The sitting tadasana can be carried out by anyone seated on a chair. This pose helps to loosen up the shoulders and arm muscles that become tense after spending hours in front of a computer.

Stretch your hands as far as possible, bringing your thumbs to the back of your head as you raise them above your head with the elbows near your ears. Take three deep breaths while maintaining a straight spine and your legs under your hips. 

3. Wrist and Finger stretches

Stretching can help reduce stiffness that can arise after spending a lot of time in front of a computer and is by far the most uncomplicated and soothing activity. 

Simply extend your arms in front of you, make a fist, and then rotate it both clockwise and counterclockwise. To release the tension in your hands, fingers, and wrist, you can also extend your arms and move your palms upward and downward. This exercise can be done every two to three hours.

4. Seated Cat-Cow pose

Long periods of chair use might result in back and neck pain; the “Seated Cat-Cow” position can alleviate these symptoms. Simply place your hands on your thighs, stare parallel to the ground or up at the ceiling (if feasible), keep your back straight, and avoid using the chair for support. When you exhale, round your upper back as much as you can by pulling your abdominals into your spine, tucking your chin under your chest, and becoming as round as you can.

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5. Chair Pigeon pose

Sitting with our legs crossed can lead to imbalances in the hips and lower spine, especially if one side is crossed more frequently than the other. Regain equilibrium with Chair Pigeon.

Cross your right leg across your left leg at a 90-degree angle while sitting in a chair with both feet flat on the floor. Keep your right foot flexible to avoid putting pressure on your knee. While remaining seated straight, ensure that the sitting bones are evenly divided with weight.

Your body will appreciate your taking the time to relax, clear your mind, and stretch your tight muscles with these yoga postures throughout your workday. As a result, you’ll be able to go through the rest of the day feeling healthier, happier, and less stressed.

Featured Image Credits: tenoclocks

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