To get rid of pimples, try these 13 easy home cures. - Samachar Live

To get rid of pimples, try these 13 easy home cures.

13 acne remedies and home treatments that help you get rid of pimples

We’ll all agree that the “how to get rid of pimples” quandary is one that we’ve all encountered at some point, whether it’s that last-minute zit that pops up or whiteheads that refuse to leave your nose alone.

While there are a plethora of skincare treatments on the market that claim to solve the problem, you may not have one on hand in an emergency. Maybe you don’t want to deal with the problem with over-the-counter medications. We’ve found 13 home treatments for pimples that will help cure any kind, authorised by Mumbai-based celebrity dermatologist Dr Jamuna Pai of SkinLab, whether you want to save a trip to the pharmacist or just start utilising more natural components.

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13 acne remedies and home treatments that help you get rid of pimples

1) Honey and turmeric

Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory that can help the pimple diminish in size. It also assists in the removal of excess oil from the skin. Honey contains antimicrobial qualities and helps to fight germs in pimples. Mix 12 teaspoon turmeric with 1 tablespoon honey well. Apply to damp skin and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse well with water. it is one of the most simple and effective acne remedies.

2) Flour made from chickpeas

Chickpea flour, also known as gramme flour, is an excellent home cure for pimples, especially for those with oily skin, as it absorbs excess sebum. 1 tablespoon of water, mixed with 1 tablespoon of oil, applied to wash skin for 10 minutes. Rinse well.


3) Multani mitti (Fuller’s earth)

Multani mitti is high in magnesium chloride, which aids in the removal of pimples and the prevention of outbreaks. It is recognised to be a deep cleanser for the skin, as well as a remover of pollutants and dirt particles that might clog our pores. 12 teaspoons Multani mitti, 12 tablespoons water or rose water, 20 minutes on your face Rinse well. It is one of the most traditional forms of acne remedies.

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4) Lemon or lime juice

Because lime juice is antibacterial, it can aid in the removal of pimples by destroying germs once they have formed. It also contains vitamin C and citric acid, which can aid to brighten your skin over time. Apply immediately to the pimple with a cotton pad and let on for 5-10 minutes before rinsing.

5) Strawberries, oranges, and kiwis

Citric acid is abundant in these three fruits, which aids in the drying of sebum. To make an at-home face mask, combine all of the ingredients in a blender and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse well.

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6) Almonds 

This superfood is high in minerals and Vitamin E, making it a crucial element in most scrubs and face masks for skin rejuvenation. Pulse in a blender, then combine with water or the fruit mentioned above. Leave on for up to 30 minutes as a mask or spot treatment for pimples.

7) Rosewater 

Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, rose water is ideal for reducing the size of a pimple. It also acts as a soothing agent, which helps reduce redness and calms irritated skin. Spritz it onto your skin in place of a toner, morning and night.

8) Oats 

Oats are a great home remedy for pimples because they absorb oil and also soothe the skin. Pulse oats and add them to any homemade face mask to give the mask a thicker texture while treating the pimple. It is a great solution for acne remedies.

9) Peppermint

Mint leaves are high in Vitamin A and C, both of which are necessary for healthy skin. To get rid of pimples without overdrying the skin, use fresh mint juice all over the face every night.

10) Tea tree essential oil

This wonder oil can be used to treat all types of pimples, including whiteheads, blackheads, and cystic acne. Morning and night, apply the oil onto the affected region to zap the zit. Tea tree oil has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which are both beneficial in the treatment of pimples. It also has calming effects that might aid with the agony of deeper pimples. Before applying the oil to your skin, dilute it with a calming carrier oil, such as coconut oil, if you have sensitive skin.

11) Yoghurt 

Yoghurt contains lactic acid, which removes dead skin cells. The live cultures in it promote clear skin by containing antibacterial properties. Using a small brush, brush 1⁄4 cup of organic, plain yoghurt onto your face. Leave on for 10 minutes or until dry, and wash off. A bonus tip: Having a healthy gut can help cure acne; so eating yoghurt regularly is also a good way to promote healthy skin from within.

13) Aloe vera 

Aloe vera is an excellent treatment for a pimple that has flared up and become red and uncomfortable. For best results, use aloe vera that has been extracted directly from the plant. Aloe vera contains antibacterial characteristics that help cure and reduce redness. It also hastens the healing of a pimple. Because of its antifungal properties, it will successfully treat boils and cysts. Aloe vera is an astringent that helps a pimple eliminate excess oil. It can also be used to lighten acne scars if taken daily.

14) Papaya 

Because papaya is a common fruit in many of our homes, it’s a simple component to utilise to get rid of pimples. Many components in papaya help to prevent and treat pimples. It contains antioxidants like Vitamin A and C, which assist to speed up cell turnover and preventing acne. It’s a terrific exfoliant that isn’t as harsh as many other treatments when applied topically. Papaya should be blended or mashed and left on the skin for 10 minutes before washing.

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