Top 10 IoT Companies in India which have found initial success

Top 10 IoT Companies in India

IoT (Internet of Things) is the technology for future which is nothing but the use of connected devices at its optimum level with help of the Internet. It is a network of Internet-connected objects able to collect and exchange data. The Smartphone was big and IoT is going to be a lot more bigger just wait & watch.

The biggest challenge for the IoT companies all across the world is to create awareness about benefits of IoT amongst the common people before it actually comes into the market. Moreover, it will be a daunting task to create the awareness in developing countries and underdeveloped countries where common people are not as techno-savvy and sophisticated in comparison to their counterparts in the developed countries. However, you need to make the IoT products and services affordable for the common people. Then only, it will be a great success in the real sense or else it won’t be.

The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to bring every object, consumer and activity into the digital realm” ….by Paul Daughtry, Accenture, CTO

There are numerous companies in India working relentlessly to make IoT a grand success. But here is the list of top 10 IoT companies in India which have found initial success and still starving very hard to get substantial success.

  1. Altiux: It is based at based at Bengaluru, Karnataka. It is highly focused to develop the IoT enabled devices & its subsequent services. It is working with product makers, system integrators such as consumer electronics, smart homes, intelligent buildings, smart cities and industrial automation for so-called better future and comfortable life for its valued customers.
  2. IBM: It is based at based at Bengaluru, Karnataka. It is extremely dedicated to developing the IoT enabled devices & its subsequent services. It is a bigger brand & market leader and will never miss the chance to grab the opportunities to pass on the benefits of IoT to its customers.
  3. Fugenx Technologies: It is based at based at Bengaluru, Karnataka. It is highly devoted to developing the IoT enabled devices & its subsequent services. It is into Project Management with a plethora of services.
  4. Zerozilla Technologies: It is based at based at Bengaluru, Karnataka. It is totally focused to develop the IoT enabled devices & its subsequent services. It is into web development, e-commerce development, Digital marketing and Mobile application development.
  5. Eoxys: It is based at based at Bengaluru, Karnataka. It is highly dedicated to developing the IoT enabled devices & its subsequent services. It is a fast-growing organization with expertise in Cloud computing & Mobile applications development. It is operating with a vision to keep its valued customers happy and satisfied.
  6. Traxroot: It is based at based at Bengaluru, Karnataka. It is highly devoted to developing the IoT enabled devices & its subsequent services. It helps to bring the connected products to the market rapidly and securely.
  7. Infratab: It is based at based at Bengaluru, Karnataka. It is totally focused to develop the IoT enabled devices & its subsequent services. It is a company providing Quality Monitoring platform for perishable goods industries. It claims to have the purpose to gauge the freshness of the inventory.
  8. Syoninfomedia: It is based at based at Jaipur, Rajasthan. It is extremely dedicated to developing the IoT enabled devices & its subsequent services. It is working tremendously to increase the UI (User Interface) through its services.
  9. Hidden Brains: It is based at based at Ahmadabad, Gujarat. It is highly focused to develop the IoT enabled devices & its subsequent services. It’s a backbone of many Startups Enterprises.
  10. HP (Hewlett Packard): It is based at based at Kolkata, West Bengal. It is totally focused to develop the IoT enabled devices & its subsequent services. It is helping customers to use technologies to reduce the operational time which it takes to convert ideas into the value proposition.

India being prominent in IT (Information Technology) all across the world and hence will surely make a mark in IoT (Internet of Things) as well. It will make things happen which people few years back never dreamt of & it’s a harsh truth.

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