'We build brands, Business and Bottom lines, startups to successful companies' - Mr Jesel Sinh Gohil - CEO of Business Wall - Samachar Live

‘We build brands, Business and Bottom lines, startups to successful companies’ – Mr Jesel Sinh Gohil – CEO of Business Wall

Have you always had a dream to start your own business but don’t know a single thing about how to run it?

Well, many people have this dream but they are not from a business background, hence Business Wall is a great solution for them. In a recent chat with him, we got to know that there are businesses to start business and Mr Jesel SInh explains how this works!

Check out his interview:

1) Tell us more about your company Business Wall?

Business Wall is a Business growing company with advanced expertise to analyze your current situations of the business, which provides the best source to design the new way of growing Businesses. The source of Business which gives you the power to expand your Business. The Business Wall is a hub in which you’ll get all the necessary required services which you need in the daily life of your work.

We make a chain of the business development life cycle which start from manufacturing to retailers (which includes Supply chain management, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Sales Management, Information Technology, Marketing Management, Branding Management) in which we provide the team of people who have a tremendous experience in a particular field of analysis, Marketing, Finance, Stock Maintenance, Sales Support, HR, Operational Support, Export Support and much more.

We build brands, Business and Bottom lines, startups to fortunate companies. The way Business Wall go about the work, we give clients settled confidence that their investment into a building isn’t a best guess strategy, but a blend of art and science that works the best.

2) How do you manage to stand better and be unique in terms of competition?

As a concept of Business Wall, it’s a unique concept in which we provide the service of Business Development, as in simple words we can say that we develop any business which comes to us by providing better strategies and Branding, Marketing, Sales Supports, and IT Support, Human Resource, Operational Support.  By providing the needed services and support to the businesses we make a corporate identity of the business and make them run smoothly and profitable. So that’s how we can manage to stand better and be unique in terms of competition.

We simply follow the rule of demand and supply, we put the business where it needed most (e.g., You can’t sell Audi to the vada pav owner but a vada pav owner can sell his item to the Audi owner)

3) Why did you choose to start this (specific) business?

After 8+ years of study and research, I came to understand that the major problem of a business is networking, in which most of the businesses fail due to lack of networking and a proper connection, and people can’t get what they need for a business, So I started a research of multiple concepts of business and all have a  common problem of networking, (E.g.  Suppose a manufacturer of a Product doesn’t have expertise in sales and building of supply chain in which the person gets in trouble because every product comes with an expiration date, and the time he consumes to build a supply chain the product gets damaged or expire.)

In simple words, I can say that everyone got the skill but don’t have expertise in the field of business, so I come with a concept that provides all the necessary things which are needed in the business to grow better. As my company name says it self-Business Wall (Business hub for Business growth)

4) After all this success, what do you struggle with now?

I am not succeeded until the problem of unemployment in INDIA gets solved, I am trying to provide a platform to all the people who want to grow more and learn and achieve something in life because with the growth of businesses, people will get more opportunities to work, as in INDIA all are not graduate and all will not get govt jobs but INDIANS have skills for things which can be utilized to make something new, by bringing them in one platform they will make more opportunities and grow, and that is how our country will grow.

4) Who is your role model and why?

The person with a burning desire to make something for themself.

As much I understand My role model is my parents because they taught me how to manage things when it’s out of control because I saw them struggling since I was a kid, My father was in INDIAN ARMY so they taught me that each and every moment of life about how to survive and make productive things from useless things and my second role model is ANT (because they just try hard until they get the perfect result, as we all know that there’s no shortcut for success.) also ANT teaches us team building and better ways of management.  

5) Tell us about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career.

One of my most important projects in life is to provide education and opportunity to deserving people because I saw many people struggle with a daytime meal and I feel ashamed that when we have knowledge and ability to do something for them but we’re alone is not enough. I know how the people are treated in the corporate world that they don’t even get their salaries on time and the salaries are cut. So, I will make sure that I can build a company where people feel relaxed after working and they get what they deserve. (Proper education for the kids, medical treatment for the adults and many more which require for the live life with a peacefully).

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