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An empowering interview with CEO of Digital Vidya – Mr Pradeep Chopra

Digital Marketing is getting immensely popular among the youth and it has gained a whole new identity that is equal to traditional forms of marketing and advertising. Today, with Mr. Pradeep we break down how to excel in this field and what is Digital VIdya all about!

  • What were the most difficult challenges you faced while starting your business?

I started my first business, Whizlabs Software, in the year 2000 while in my 1st job after completing my engineering from IIT Delhi with two of my batchmates from IIT. The biggest challenge was to convince my parents as I had a lucrative offer in hand to join a startup in the US.

We decided without any idea with just a thought that we will create something meaningful. It became extremely difficult to identify what product or service we would like to go after. With no experience of doing business and especially no experience in marketing, not been able to acquire customers until 16 months into the business made our sustenance even challenging.

  • How did you get this unique idea of launching courses for Digital Marketing and why do you think this field has become important now?

We launched Digital Vidya in 2009 more out of passion to help others learn & leverage the power of digital marketing. We had used digital marketing for us since 2001 in Whizlabs to create a global brand. We were informally sharing our experience with others including friends and fellow entrepreneurs.

A friend of ours suggested that why can’t you do it formally, which gave birth to Digital Vidya. We started by offering a 2-day Social Media Marketing workshop when it was more like a buzzword. After a couple of years, we realized the need for an extensive digital marketing course, which we launched in an instructor-led, online format in 2013. Today, our digital marketing certification course, popularly known as CDMM is one of the most sought after courses in digital marketing among professionals, students and entrepreneurs.

  • What are the unique features of your business?

While it’s common now, our idea about offering a 6-month long digital marketing certification course in an instructor-led, online format was unique. Likewise, offering extensive (i.e. over 100+ hours) hands-on exercises including usage of various tools in digital marketing as part of our CDMM program.

We also partnered with several digital marketing leaders such as Facebook & LinkedIn to co-create certified courses as part of our CDMM program.

  • Who is your role model and why?

I have always believed in the power of digital media and anyone, whether an individual (e.g. Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos) or an organization (e.g. Facebook, Amazon) doing exceptional work has inspired me. I

  • If you had one piece of advice to someone who is just starting his or her in this, what would it be?

Education in Digital Marketing is rewarding but a crowded space today. It appears glamorous from the outside but requires a significant effort in delivering genuine value to its learners.

Since the entry barrier is low, there is a constant flow of new digital marketing institutes. However, I have seen a very large number of such digital marketing institutes shutting shop when they faced the reality. If you are genuinely passionate about this medium and are committed to delivering value to people who are interested in acquiring digital marketing skills, you are welcome!

  • What is your opinion will be your biggest achievement?

Difficult question. Nevertheless, being a pioneer in the world of digital marketing education in India gives me a lot of fulfilment and feeling of pride.

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