A woman is considered to be the pillar strength of any family irrespective of the strata of the society. The woman is an invincible part of any family and one cannot think of a complete family without her. It is very essential that woman should be in great health because then only she would be able to take good care of the family. Hence, the importance of women’s health in a family is of utmost priority.
A good women’s health does not always mean that eating out healthy food only rather it could be also maintained by eating out in a right manner. The right eating is nothing but timely intake of food and following it sincerely because skipping any meal is harmful to body and health. One should stick to small and frequent meals rather than heavy meals three times a day. The timely intake of water in sufficient quantity also matters a lot for good health. An adequate intake of water in the morning, immediately after waking up is considered to be a boon for the human body as it expels out the toxic materials from the body. The drinking of a substantial amount of water before any meal helps the human body to digest the food in an efficient manner.
Both housewife, as well as working woman’s first priority, always remains to look after her so-called family. She can look after the family in a good manner only when she herself is in the best of the health. It is of utmost importance that in order to keep the human body in good health, the mind should be free from any sort of worries, tensions or concerns. The mind and body play in tandem or rhythm for the best outcome or right set of deliverables by any individual.
Besides accurate food and adequate quantity of water, one of the most important factors for woman’s health is some light exercise or yoga which helps her to keep her body as well as the mind in better condition along with new energy to accomplish her role in a much better way.
Woman body, in general, is prone to a frequent number of small illness as compared to man. These small illnesses (such as sneezing, coughing, vomiting, body ache or pain etc.) are of the various range of severity. The morning sickness due to long working hours, physical or psychological stress, pregnancy period is a very common illness. These small illnesses do not require visiting or consulting doctor very often. However, it can be cured at home itself and without any medication. The woman has less pain tolerance of their body and easily get terrified and dishearten by small pain or discomfort whatsoever.
It is a general human psychology of man that they are dependent on women even if she is a working woman. Small kids or toddlers are relatively more dependent. Hence, women’s health is very important for the family. So, awareness is required to be spread amongst the society about the importance of woman and her health. A little care by family adds to her confidence for accomplishing her responsibilities towards her family as well as towards her job.