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Motherhood: A Divine And An Incomparable Feeling

No language can express the power of Motherhood, the beauty, the heroism, and the majesty of a mother’s love. Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs, since the payment is pure love.

No one can deny the importance of a woman as a Motherhood, who bears all the pain and gives birth to a child and enter the world of motherhood, the individuals who grow up under the encapsulation of her care, her love, her sacrifice, and her dedication. When a child is born, a Mother is born…and from that moment onwards, she sacrifices everything for her child. Have we ever thought about this unique gift of God?

Motherhood is a divine emotion, an incomparable feeling. A mother shares the most beautiful and strongest bond with her child. It makes her the happiest person on the earth; however, this happiness comes with a huge share of responsibilities. Being a mother is the most beautiful emotion in the world. It is something that has to be felt. No matter how hard you try, you can never describe it in words.

My life as a mom is filled with hectic schedules, not only mine it’s about all moms. There are so many things I love about being a mom, but the one that stopped me dead in my tracks was when my son turned to me smiling and said ‘ Mamma ‘for the first time. That moment can’t be explained by any mom.

Finally, you realize that joy doesn’t come from materialistic things. You might spend thousands of rupees to buy something for yourself but one smile from your baby will make you the happiest person on the earth. There’s something divine about a baby’s smile. It makes all your worries vanish away. No matter how low you are feeling, one smile and your spirits are high again. Your baby’s smile becomes the best thing in your life.

Suddenly you find an inner strength in yourself that you never thought you had. All the sleepless nights don’t seem like a sacrifice anymore. Those are a part of your routine now. Even if you could not manage to sleep at night, you still have the energy and strength to look after your baby and his needs throughout the day. You may crib about not being able to give time to yourself or about not being able to sleep well but still you love every minute of it and won’t trade it for anything in the world. You want to make the world a better place for your baby. You want to protect your baby from all the evil things. You are ready to fight against all the odds to make your baby happy.

The moment you become a mother, you start respecting your mother even more. All the things she did for you now seem so huge. You start wondering if you can ever repay her for the sacrifices she made for you. I myself think about this every day.

In this maddening race for success and position, we are losing our values and are worried only about our goals and ourselves. In this journey of life, in some way or the other, are we not losing our values? Yes we are, because nowadays some of us are hardly respecting this unique and pure relationship. However, it is very essential to follow these values in our lives. Nowadays we hear many instances about mothers abandoning their children for the sake of money or for their personal benefits and there are some children who leave their parents in old age homes. These have become common in our day-to-day lives.

Life is great, but life is even better once you have been blessed to become a mom whether it’s your own or adopted one. Only giving birth to a baby is not important, caring and nurturing of the child can only make a lady feel the motherhood and its importance. Motherhood knows joy, even while experiencing the hardest trials of life. It gives an excuse to stay young forever. Motherhood is: my life, my joy, my passion, my greatest achievement.

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