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Unibees : The Most Versatile and Innovative App

The Most Versatile and Innovative App: Unibees

The Unibees App takes college student’s lifestyle to the next level through which they can learn, explore their interests including but not limited to university events, free food locator, suggesting coupons and discounts to the students and helping them find gigs which can be used to earn money.

Unibees app helps students to find freebies and free food, student discounts, discover campus events, and earn money right at their fingertips.  The app was launched in 2016 at the University of Texas at Dallas, and just after a span of 10 days, more than 2000 students had downloaded the app. The company is based of in Dallas, Texas.

How does it work: –
1) Unibees app notifies the students on an everyday basis about each and every event happening on campus.
2) Unibees also helps students connect them with their favourite brands.
3)  Students can enrol in various gigs offered by brands in the app through which they can earn money.

The inventors of this app are Chandra Kiran Achanta and Abinav Varma Kalidindi. These two friends together decided to bring this unique app for the students which aims at fulfilling their needs in a single click. Unibees is ensuring that students have a wonderful time as they navigate through their degrees and make the most of their campus life. Currently, the app is live in 100+ universities around the US showcasing more than 170,000 events to students.

Unique Feature – Gigs section
Gig is essentially a marketplace platform that involves an exchange of services. Brands and businesses can use gigs to understand student behaviour, their spending habits and reach them instantly. Gigs can get as creative as what students think about their network provider, their early morning tea making rituals, what is their next big gadget purchase and so much more.

A whole cycle is thus created for the students to keep them updated with different activities and making them reach places and events which they might have missed if not for the app. UNIBEES is essentially fostering individual potential by getting them connected to best opportunities and resources available to them on campus.

The app has received a lot of positive responses from the students, a couple of which are highlighted below:

“Due to the special program I am in, I just recently arrived at Columbia as a junior. Obviously, this means I had a lot of catching up to do in terms of meeting new people and getting involved on campus. Thankfully, I got introduced to UNIBEES which allowed me to quickly find out about many of the cool events happening on campus, whether performances, auditions, or events (with free food!). On top of that, I can always use it to see what cool brands are offering student discounts, and even make some extra cash thanks to the gigs they post about. Their “daily events” notifications saves me the hassle of having to do research about what’s happening on campus every day. I highly recommend this app, whether you’re new on campus, or just want a tool to get more involved around school!”

Junior Student at Columbia University, New York

“I being an international student didn’t know what was going in the campus. The first two months were horrific, it made me think I made the worst decision coming over here. But then I got to know about UNIBEES by seniors and then I started seeing it every day and made real good friends of different ethnicity by going to the events on campus which I got to know only through UNIBEES. I would say that your idea may be subtle but the effect it brings to the people who use it makes it the best achievement.”

Graduate Student at Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago

Recently, UNIBEES launched quite a few gigs on the platform which garnered around 2,000 responses from 50 universities across 30 states. The entire team is really excited about the prospect and look to further engage students in the upcoming semester.

Apart from the various features mentioned for students, the app also helps student organizations to manage their events in a single place. A content management system is created within the app, where after claiming an organization they can create and post events within the app. They also get a chance to learn insights from the rating and review system as well as a dashboard using which they can understand which events work best and accordingly bring the best to the students in the future.

Their goal is to reach to each and every university in the US in the next 12-18 months and eventually hopes to be global impacting every student in the world.

This is a platform that effectively showcases how technology is helping students get where they want to. The UNIBEES team believes that they are ready to hustle and keep on working towards their passions.

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